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When Motorhomes Are Stars Of The Screen

23rd November 2016
When Motorhomes Are Stars Of The Screen

Here's a pub quiz question for you: who starred in Meet the Fockers?
OK, so you get points for Robert De Niro, Ben Stiller, Barbra Streisand and Dustin Hoffman, but aren't you forgetting something? The road-hogging, state-of-the-art, Pace Arrow motorhome that ferried ex-CIA man Jack Byrnes to meet his daughter's prospective in-laws in Florida? This wasn't so much an RV as a central intelligence command centre, and Jack's mighty behemoth said plenty about his character.

Here are 9 other iconic motorhomes from film and television.

This film, featuring a stripper, a runaway and a nerd pretending to be small-time pot dealer Jason Sudakis' 'family', uses a motorhome as its main plot device, as the family attempt to outrun some serious Mexican drug lords.

Featuring a yellow VW camper with a busted clutch, the dysfunctional family in this film make the Millers look like relatively normal folk. The key question is, will the VW get little Olive to California in time to enter the beauty pageant?

Simon Pegg and Nick Frost go on a Nevada road trip to look for UFOs and find a cool, hipster alien. This sci-fi comedy couldn't work without the RV, because of the locations, the storyline and the unlikeliness of encountering a weird little CGI alien in a very isolated landscape.

Not every RV is a portable crystal meth laboratory, but the one in this legendary TV series is. The human stars, including lead Bryan Cranston, loved it so much that they even turned up to the show's season premiere in it!

The late, lamented Robin Williams starred in RV and so did his character Bob Munro's motorhome. Destined for Hawaii, the family ends up settling for the Colorado Rockies. Despite many pitfalls (the emptying the toilet scene is a classic) the good old RV once again wins the day, and helps to re-bond the family, sulky teens and all.

The iconic winnebago in the first two series of this show was used both for shelter and for killing zombies, making it a truly multi-purpose motorhome!

In this parody of Star Wars, the motorhome, Eagle 5, can fly. It's an intentionally shabby old thing with the ability to go into hyper active mode.

The superheroes in this Pixar film have a rather more souped-up RV, which they attach on to a jet for the purposes of saving the world. The Incredibles are a lot like many of the characters in these films and shows; they all just really want to be ordinary. However, it seems that, when you add a motorhome into the mix, the chances of being ordinary are a little less likely.

Brownhills have a fantastic range of new and used motorhomes

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